Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Tale of Two Leaves

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
This barrette is not about A Tale of Two Cities. The book that inspired this barrette was Bambi, a Life in the Woods by Felix Salten. This book was a political metaphor and for told the rise and power of Hitler , so much so that the book was band1936.

Bambi, a Life in the Woods, originally published in Austria as Bambi in 1923.

Bambi was printed in the U.S. in 1929.

My favorite selection is two leaves. So I will write this out for you. What do you think it is a metaphor of?

"The leaves were falling from the great oak at the meadow's edge. They were falling from all the trees.
One branch of the oak reached high above the others and stretched far out over the meadow. Two leaves clung to its very tip.
"It isn't the way it used to be," said one leaf to the other.
"No," the other leaf answered. "So many of us have fallen off to-night we're almost the only ones left on our branch."
"You never know who's going to go next," said the first leaf. "Even when it was warm and the sun shone, a storm or a cloudburst would come sometimes, and many leaves were torn off, though they were still young. You never know who's going to go next."
"The sun seldom shines now," sighed the second leaf, "and when it does it gives no warmth. We must have warmth again."
"Can it be true," said the first leaf, "can it really be true, that others come to take our places when we're gone and after them still others, and more and more?"
"It is really true," whispered the second leaf. "We can't even begin to imagine it, it's beyond our powers."
"It makes me very sad," added the first leaf.
They were silent a while. Then the first leaf said quietly to herself, Why must we fall?...."
The second leaf asked, "What happens to us when we have fallen?
"We sink down...."
what is under us?"
The first leaf answered, "I don't know, some say one thing, some another, but nobody knows."
The second leaf asked, "Do we feel anything, do we know anything about ouurselves when we're down there?"
The first leaf answered, "Who knows? Not one of all those down there has ever come back to tell us about it."
They were silent again. Then the first leaf said tenderly to the other, "Don't worry so much about it, you're trembling."
"That's nothing," the second leaf answered, "I tremble at the least thing now, I don't feel so sure of my hold as I used to."
"Let's not tallk any more about such things," said the first leaf.
The other replied, "No, we'll let be. But - what else shall we talk about?" She was silent, but when on after a little while, "Which of us will go first?"
"There's still plenty of tie to worry about that," the other leaf assured her. "Let's remember how beautiful it was, how wonderful, when the sun came out and shone so warmly that we thought we'd burst with life. Do you remember? And the morning dew, and the mild and splendid nights..."
"Now the nights are dreadful," the second leaf complained, "and there is no end to them."
"We shouldn't complain," said the first leaf gently. "We've outlived many, many others."
"Have I changed much?" asked the second leaf shyly but determinedly.
"Not in the least," the first leaf assured her. "You only think so because I've got to be so yellow and ugly. But it's different in your case."
"You're fooling me," the second leaf said.
"No, really," the first leaf exclaimed eagerly, "believe me, you're as lovely as the day you were born. Here and there may be a little yellow spot but it's hardly noticeable and only makes you handsomer, believe me."
"Thanks," whispered the second leaf, quite touched. "I don't believe you, not altogether, but I thank you because you're so kind, you've always been so kind to me. I'm just beginning to understand how kind you are."
"Hush," said the other leaf, and kept silent herself for she was too troubled to talk any more.
Then they were both silent. Hours passed.
A moist wind blew, cold and hostile, through the treetops.
"Ah, now," said the second leaf, "I...." Then her voice broke off. She was torn from her place and spun down.
Winter had come.


  1. First most the barrette is beautiful bead work. Truly beautiful. Who shall be adorned by it?

    The metaphor at first, because you spoke of Hitler, I thought the leaves represented the killing of the Jews in Europe during WWII.
    but then it seems just to be about aging and dying. What do you think (or know)?

  2. Already an ancient Germanic symbol (in the form of the Donar Oak, for instance), certainly since the early nineteenth century, it stands for the nation of Germany. This was from Wiki.

    I think that is a clue.

    I think the position of the leaves on the tree is significant.

    So more ideas?


  4. Lynn,
    I just realized that my barrette does not have oak leaves on it. I remember that I thought the important thing was the leaves and not the type of leaves. I like maple leaves better. Also a lady moved out of her house and let me have a wind chime, and this is what I used for the little helicopters.

    I should add that I put some hints in the links in the post.
