Tuesday, February 7, 2012


 I love the slow ritual of making a cup of tea.  
It is the contemplation and infusing that creates the space to reflect.

The Wishing Fountain.
I used to love wishing fountain when I was a child. 
I would look at all the coins dropped into the water with a wish.
 I wondered what their wishes were and how many of them came true? 
Who knows how things evolve into reality? 
Maybe it starts with a wish.  
I think this was a beautiful way to Celebrate the future.
So my fountain contains a "cup" for the wish or intention.
Below is a place where I can put a Word for the day or the week.
The Cicada is my totem animal.  He is a hermit like me...but sometime he comes to the surface and sings.


  1. You reminded me of when I was child and would stare at a fountain with coins in it..wondering, do these wishes come true? Perhaps reality starts from a wish, desire...I like that!
    I see a cicada : )

  2. ah... you always manage to release memories long hidden in dark recesses! i remember now, summer trips to southern california and visits to china town in los angeles. there was a great and venerable fountain there where we would entertain dreams as we tossed coins into its koi-laced waters.

    thank you for this remembering.


    1. Thank you for sharing this memory. I have fond memories going to Chinatown in Philly. I haven't been to LA yet, but would like to.

      Love Koi fish.
